
Green Lantern Movie | A Team Movie Video | B.A. Baracus Cast for A-Team Movie | A-Team Movie

Green Lantern Movie | A Team Movie Video | B.A. Baracus Cast for A-Team Movie | A-Team Movie
The A-Team is an American action adventure television series about an imaginary group of ex-United States Army Special Forces who employment as soldiers of fortune while being on the run from the military for a crime they didn’t assign. The A-Team was created by writers and producers Frank Lupo and Stephen J. Cannell at the request of Brandon Tartikoff NBC’s Entertainment president.
The longed-for Big Screen remake of the 1980’s series The A-Team may lastly get on its way with the announcement that Joe Carnahan is emotionally involved to direct the movie, by Ridley and Tony Scott producing it.


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